
Автор: Nick (Николай)

Too short is the damper's travel
Yamaha is shaking and clapping,
Teeth are knocking,
Something jumps inside
Mitsuko's tears on the tar..

Just looked the Lord-of-my-soul:
Have you greased my Suzuki?
Are the hubs polished?
-Oh, My Lord,
Pull Your Seppuku Sword out..

Do not touch the handlebar, Yoko!
We are going at 160 per an hour
She didn't hear,
The brakes squealed
There are ears for love only..

Do not write tanka on the fuel-tank!
Dodo straddled his Kawasaki already
-Is it your meter?!!
The barrel's in his hand..
Hide in the Impeachment quickly!

Comments: barrel - это ствол, а не бочка;
tar - гудрон.

(Опубликовано 22-Dec-01)   Отзывы: 10
Ссылка: http://kotlet.net/article.php?story=20011222153135949
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